Welcome to Live BIG® OPTIMISM Video Learning Programme

It’s not the events that happen to us that define our happiness and success, but how we interpret them. OPTIMISM teaches us to accept ‘it is what it is’, and stop worrying about the things we can’t control. Then to SHIFT our thinking, to focus on what we want.

Unlock Your Full Potential with the Live BIG® OPTIMISM Video Learning Programme

Are you ready to take control of your mindset and unleash your true potential?

It's time to embrace the power of OPTIMISM and transform your life.

Introducing the Live BIG® OPTIMISM Video Learning Programme - a groundbreaking programme designed to help professionals, leaders, sports people, parents, students, individuals - YOU, achieve unparalleled success and happiness.

One-Time Fee of £49.99

OPTIMISM helps you live longer

In a noteworthy study published in 2019, researchers made a fascinating discovery: those with an Optimistic outlook on life tend to enjoy a longer lifespan.

11% to 15% longer lifespan than average.

Optimists are more likely to live to 85 years or beyond.

Astonishingly, this extended lifespan wasn't solely attributed to factors like wealth, health, mental well-being, social connections, or healthy habits. It seems that a Optimistic mindset truly has the power to grant us more precious time on this Earth.

OPTIMISM helps you be Better in Relationships

According to a study conducted by researchers at Stanford University, Optimists tend to have higher quality and longer-lasting romantic relationships. Interestingly, this holds true even when only one person in the relationship is an Optimist. Psychologists believe that OPTIMISM fosters a greater sense of support from one's partner, which in turn helps couples navigate conflicts more effectively.

Optimistic individuals and their partners are invested in improving the relationship.

Optimists can positively influence their partners to adopt healthier habits and a more Optimistic outlook on life.

Moreover, other studies indicate that the more we idealise our partners, the greater our happiness in the relationship. Additionally, research has shown that cooperative problem-solving, which is often associated with OPTIMISM, plays a significant role in fostering positive and content romantic relationships.

OPTIMISM helps you achieve Success and High Performance

Optimists possess a remarkable resilience that extends beyond their personal lives and spills over into the workplace. In fact, a study conducted in 2019 discovered that individuals with a more Optimistic outlook tend to enjoy greater job security compared to their less Optimistic counterparts.

Optimists can bounce back and perform well even if their leaders don't recognise their efforts.

Optimists are seen as charismatic and persistent in achieving their goals.

Optimistic managers are more effective in helping others be productive and achieve goals.

Interestingly, it appears that Optimists have a unique way of approaching failure. Rather than letting it discourage them, they utilise it as a source of motivation to excel in the future. Recent studies focusing on top-tier athletes, have unveiled the remarkable protective nature of OPTIMISM against burnout.

One-Time Fee of £49.99

In this programme, we dive deep into understanding how our brains work and how they shape our perception of the world. We explore the incredible opportunity we have to choose our thoughts and the profound impact this has on our emotions, behaviours, and ultimately, our achievements.

With the Live BIG® OPTIMISM Video Learning Programme, you'll learn how to harness the power of an Optimistic mindset and create a life filled with joy, resilience, and unwavering determination.

Experience a captivating 70-minute session seamlessly integrating neuroscience, vibrant animations, and actionable tools for immediate application.

This course unfolds in four distinct parts, ensuring both a deeply engaging and highly practical learning journey.

Optimism Training

Part 1 - Set up

An introduction into OPTIMISM and an insight into the Live BIG® programme created by Stuart Baldwin.

Part 2 - Science and Stories

In this part, we delve into the science and stories that help us understand what OPTIMISM is and how it works. We learn that it's not the events of our lives that define our happiness and success, but rather how we interpret them. You will look at why an optimistic mindset can make such a game-changing difference.

Part 3 - Tool

This is where we dive into the practical application of the Accept and Shift tool and make OPTIMISM real for you. You will work through a real life problem or challenge using the worksheet and guidance from Stuart.

Part 4 - Make it Stick

In this part, we will explore how to make OPTIMISM a lasting habit and mindset that becomes a core part of who you are.

Start Your Journey Today

Ready to Live BIG® with OPTIMISM?

One-Time Fee of £49.99

Some of the People we've helped to Live BIG

Testimonial 1

David Ahearne
Sales Manager, Grafton Merchanting GB

"My life has changed! I’m really into it! The Optimism training was incredible. I’m happier, calmer, better with my family – And your “Jedi Sh*t” Has made me stop swearing! You B#?%&#D"

Testimonial 2

Amanda Blanc
Group CEO, Aviva

"I absolutely love Stuart’s passion and enthusiasm. He turns complex subjects into straightforward things people can take away and use."

Testimonial 3

Tim Davis
Managing Partner, Deloitte

"Stuart is the best Leadership and mindset coach I have come across in the market. He is my go-to guy."

Testimonial 4

Greg Loudon
Branch Manager, Buildbase

"The Optimism training has changed everything. The release is incredible… there is a remarkable freedom from just being able to say ‘I don’t need to think about this any more because I can’t change it and its just causing unnecessary stress’."

Testimonial 5

Joe Horton
Senior Director, European Retail, Michael Kors

"Stuart is inspirational, motivational and overall captivating! The feedback from the team on the Optimism work has been amazing."

Testimonial 6

Helena Thomas
Principal, Greater Brighton Metropolitan College

"What an inspiring and uplifting session. The common language and approach is a fantastic way for Optimism to permeate through the organisation."

Testimonial 7

David Horne
Managing Director, Virgin Trains

"I’ve had incredible feedback again from my Virgin colleagues! The Optimism training is a great tool for my mindset in life and work :)"

Testimonial 8

Joanna Wakefield
Sales Development Manager, Grafton

"It was blow your socks off brilliant."

Testimonial 9

Joel Markham
Head of Schemes, AXA

"It's great to hear the stories of how Optimism has had an immediate impact at work for my teams but also that it is benefiting their home lives too. Top man!"

One-Time Fee of £49.99

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